Unreleased Songs

Four of Josh’s songs, songs as yet unreleased or now difficult to find, are available for digital download. They are available now on iTunes until August 9, and after that on other digital sites.
The songs are “Goodbye Green World,” written and performed by Josh and Michael Ward in 1989 on their very first School of Fish demo; “Broken Arm” written and performed by Josh and Michael around the time of School of Fish’s Human Cannonball album; “What Good is Heaven,” once available on an “Inarticulate Nature Boy” demo B-side, written and performed by Josh and Larry Goldings on Wurlitzer piano with Lili Hayden on the violin; and the School of Fish hit “Three Strange Days,” in solo performance by Josh, opening for Tori Amos.
This last has been available on the Live Album, but we’re sad to say that CD is going out of print. We hope you enjoy the songs!